------Est. 1980 Glasgow
city centre's oldest bagpipe shop------
click on the banner for our home page
Newsletter - April 2011
Dear Piping Enthusiast,
Before the new season gets into full swing, I have
taken some leave and amongst other things, climbed Ben
Lomond. Beinn Laomainn
(Beacon Mountain)
as it is known in Gaelic, reaches an impressive
974 metres/3196 feet and commands great views over Loch
Lomond and beyond - that is if it is not covered in mist by
the time you get to the top, as I discovered!
On the piping front, I went with my brothers Bill and
Iain to check out the Lomond and Clyde Invitational Competition at the
Radisson Hotel in Glasgow,
but am unable to report on how it all went - I guess we were way-laid in
some fine hostelries and by the time we got to the hotel, it was all
over! Ah well - there is always next year.
So this month's newsletter is just a wee short one to
say hello to all our friends, but we will be back in full strength again
next month.
Yours aye,
James C. Begg
(Does James look happier at the Top or the
(Could he blow his pipes at the Top??)

Another successful Uist and Barra solo competition took place in March and I went
along with my London
based pal, P/M Willie Cochrane. We heard a few piobaireachds
in the morning, with Iain Speirs and Angus MacColl both being on fine form. Angus played the
somewhat easier piece - MacLeod of Raasay's
Salute - and gained 3rd place with an immaculate pipe. Iain, I suspect, won
the day due the complexity of his selected tune -The End of the Great Bridge. Willie said he'd played
the same tune in 1961 at Inverness and
so he knew exactly how tricky it can be. Both pipes were good but I did
find Iain's drones very robust and not quite as mellow as Angus', but
that is just my personal taste.
Online Special
Offer - Electronic
Pencil Chanter
Why huff and puff all the time? Be cool and stay
chilled with the superb Fagerstrom electronic pencil chanter.
Reduced this month to only £133.33 (plus vat of £26.67
if applicable). Free postage world-wide.
If you would like to report on any aspect of the Piping World from
wherever you live, we'd be pleased to hear from you. mailto:bill@beggbagpipes.com